Our Services
DEI Assessment, Strategy and Implementation
Don’t know where to start with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)? Maybe you are feeling stuck and don’t know how to move forward? Perhaps you are unaware of which DEI initiatives are having an impact?
We can help you get unstuck using our 5-step framework. We use an evidence-based, data driven approach to assess your current state and develop an action plan to move your organization forward. As part of our assessments, we conduct policy and procedure reviews, staff DEI surveys, and stakeholder focus groups and interviews. Our process also involves building a comprehensive communications strategy to increase stakeholder engagement throughout the review process. We do not use a “cookie cutter” approach – we know each organization is unique and we tailor our assessments accordingly.
Our services include:
Current state assessment
Workplace and stakeholder surveys
Focus groups and interviews
Strategy and action plans
Communications strategy
Equity-Focused Evaluations
We can help you make more sense of your programs and services using an equity-focused approach. We use an equity lens in the design of evaluation methodologies, data collection strategies, stakeholder communications, and throughout our analysis. Our holistic approach takes into account the impact of systems and structures on marginalized populations and their experience with programs and services. We also use an intersectional lens to unpack findings and provide tailored strategic recommendations.
Our services include:
Evaluation methodologies and performance measures
Staff and stakeholder surveys
Focus groups and interviews
Communications strategy
Data Equity
Collecting socio-demographic data (e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation) from staff and/or clients is a complex task. We help organizations craft their data strategy to understand what type of data they want to collect, tie their data to broader strategic goals, and devise effective data collection strategies. We design surveys, conduct data collection and analysis, and produce data reports.
Our services include:
Data strategy
Survey design
Data collection
Data analysis and reporting
DEI Training
Can’t find diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training that is specific to the needs of your team?
We offer online and in-person training that addresses the needs of your team with easy to implement strategies, tips and tools.
Our training includes:
Why DEI benefits your organization
Bias: the various forms and how to mitigate it
Creating a respectful workplace
DEI and talent management
How to assess the impact of your DEI initiatives